WWR is a 501(c)3 organization and relies on financial gifts to engage in our mission. Help WWR via a gift, telling others about us, and following us on Facebook or Instagram.

About Us

Welcome to Women's Workshop Richmond!

Our goal is to empower women through power tools. WWR creates a safe space for women to learn to use power tools and to create something that they can take home and say, "I made this!"

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit located in Richmond, Indiana. 

Executive Director and Founder Shana Nissenbaum is a 3rd grade teacher by day, but also a Certified Level 2 Carpenter who works construction during summer breaks. 

Our Board of Directors

President: Jackie Vanderpool

Secretary: Nicole Andreas

Treasurer: Amy Waltz

Board Member: Mary Russell

Board Member: Nova Remaklus

Board Member: Kris Hochberg

Our Location
765 . 518 . 6855  |  Email Us
