WWR is a 501(c)3 organization and relies on financial gifts to engage in our mission. Help WWR via a gift, telling others about us, and following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Conquering Confidence

Say hello to empowered woman Brandi Ibarra! 


Brandi is an Army veteran, cares for her extended family, and is active in her community, but until she came to a workshop, using tools wasn't in her skill set. Brandi says, "Women's Workshop gave me the skills and the courage I needed to actually learn a new skill. I've always seen DIY projects that I wished I could make, but was always worried that I wouldn't be able to because I wasn't very good with power tools and I didn't want to rely on someone else to make it for me. Attending a workshop just gave me that boost of confidence I needed to go out and tackle these projects."

And WOW, did Brandi ever tackle some projects! She came to a workshop, made one thing, and then took her newfound confidence and ran with it! Pretty soon, Brandi might have to jump in to leading workshops at WWR due to her stellar skills. 

