WWR is a 501(c)3 organization and relies on financial gifts to engage in our mission. Help WWR via a gift, telling others about us, and following us on Facebook or Instagram.

WWR and COVID-19

What a wild ride we are all on, right?! We thought it might be good to give you a bit of an update about where WWR has been, is, and will be regarding COVID-19. 

Where We Were (March - May 2020)

a picnic table attached to a tree, where a squirrel sits and eats compressed corn
We were all set to start up with new workshops in March of this year. Our first two workshops, tiered cedar planters - back by popular demand, were full and ready to go at the end of March. Then, well, a pandemic happened. WWR's Board of Directors made the tough decision to cancel our March workshops. All the women signed up were told that we would hold their places for when we reopened. 

From there, WWR turned to the other part of our mission, which is working for the good of our community. We sold squirrel picnic tables to add joy, raised bed kits for at home gardens, donated folder holder kits to kids that were distributed by Communities in Schools, and worked with The Leland Legacy and Friends Fellowship to build ADA-compliant elevated garden boxes. 

Where We Are (early June 2020)

As Indiana slowly opens up, WWR's Board had long conversations about when it would be safe for us to start up and what precautions we needed to take. We decided we fit in with Stage 3 in Indiana's plan, which meant we could start up in June. To start up, these are the precautions we decided would increase safety at workshops:
  • required face coverings
  • keep workshops at our standard size of 6 participants (plus 2-3 helpers, so under 10 total)
  • spread out tables into outdoor space to keep distance
  • shift from two weekends of two workshops per month to one workshop per each weekend of the month (still 4 workshops per month)
We contacted the women who had signed up in March to offer them the first spots. We successfully had our first workshop this past Saturday! It was SO amazing get back to empowering women! 

Where We Are Going (summer 2020 - ???)

While we have no idea how long the COVID-19 pandemic will be with us, we're feeling comfortable with our new plan. That means that you should be on the look-out...


This month, we'll have one open session of tiered cedar planters and a session of yard yahtzee (just in time for the Fourth of July!). In July, we're starting our Seasonal Sign Posts and will also build a small bookshelf/nightstand. 

PLUS - we're going to start up Wednesday night "Mommy & Me" workshops! These will be for three pairs of mom+kid only (keeping groups under 10 people) and will generally be shorter. In these workshops, we're planning to build stepstools, bookends, working gumball machines, squirrel picnic tables, and balance boards!

We hope to see you at one of these workshops!
